Several key factors must be considered when preparing for college, such as which institution you will attend and where you will live. Once you get there, the most important decision is choosing your college major.

Millions of students worldwide face challenges when deciding which major to pursue. They may be unsure of their strengths, concerned about the potential career and financial opportunities post-graduation, or worried their choice will cause conflict with their parents. If they aren’t passionate about a particular path, they may feel indecisive about which route to take.

Choosing a major may seem daunting right now, but after implementing the six tips below, you are sure to feel more confident about your decision.


When selecting your college major, the most important thing is to find one that suits you. Conducting a period of intentional self-reflection will help you identify your personal interests, strengths, and values. 

Thinking about your past experiences and academic performance in high school will often point you in the right direction. If you struggled in math, it may not be a good idea to pursue a degree in finance. If you excelled at chemistry, you might want to consider a degree in chemical engineering.

Self-reflecting will help you choose a major that will keep you happy and engaged throughout your college career. When you love what you do, success tends to come more naturally.

If you’re not sure where to start, consult these self-assessment tools to help you better understand who you are, what matters to you, and where you are likely to excel:

Whether the results support your initial thoughts or open your eyes to something new, taking the time to dig deep within yourself will pay off in the long run.

Evaluate Personal Goals

Academic qualifications and future career paths are important parts of who you are, but they aren’t the only things that define you as a person. Therefore, whatever you choose to major in should align with your long-term goals and values. College is a time of significant personal growth, and your major should actively support the journey to help you become the person you wish to be.

Learning to balance passion with practicality is crucial. Studying something you love is highly beneficial, as you’ll be more engaged with the coursework, but you must consider how a career in that field will fit into your present and future lifestyle. Determine what kind of work-life balance you hope to enjoy throughout your college years and beyond, and ask yourself if your decision supports this vision.

Explore Potential Career Paths

Choosing the right college major isn’t just about creating a fun and temporary experience for yourself. It’s equally crucial to look ahead to your post-graduation job opportunities. Researching different career options and industries is important–especially if you’re unsure about what you want to do for work.

When contemplating career paths, it’s wise to consider salary potential and predicted job satisfaction. 

To explore your options without fully committing to anything, you can conduct informal interviews or ask to shadow someone in a position you’re interested in. 

Once you have determined your dream career, identifying the right college major will be far easier. Having a clear vision for your future will allow you to remain laser-focused throughout your academic studies.

Sample Courses and Extracurriculars

Assessing the appeal of college majors from a theoretical perspective is fine, but there’s nothing quite like experiencing something firsthand. When exploring various academic disciplines, use your electives wisely. Doing so allows you to sample different fields with very low stakes.

You may also want to participate in clubs, organizations, and internships related to potential majors in the months leading up to the application process. In addition to getting a better insight into your prospective majors, you’ll learn more about the possible careers that follow. Watching videos and attending lectures can also be useful to your research.

Consider Future Opportunities and Trends

As you may already be able to discern, the demand for some professions will be greatly reduced over the coming years due to AI and other tech advancements. However, it should be noted that the prevalence of other jobs will skyrocket. 

Paying attention to emerging career fields can help you identify a job you eventually want, even if the opportunity doesn’t exist yet. Furthermore, it can point you toward a valuable college major.

In addition to anticipating the future job market for potential careers, you should determine whether your skills will be transferable if you choose to switch paths later in life. These days, it’s rare for a person to stick with one job for the rest of their working years.

Seek Guidance

Choosing a college major is a personal decision, but that does not mean you have to endure the process alone. Plenty of support is available to those who seek it.

Talking with family, friends, and loved ones can provide helpful advice and clarity. As they share their personal opinions and experiences, though, keep in mind that they are not impartial. It’s best to combine their suggestions with professional guidance from neutral parties, such as:

  • College career centers and academic advisors
  • Mentors who you trust or admire
  • Professionals from fields you’re interested in

In addition to gaining valuable insight when choosing a college major, this can be a great way to make the most of your college experience.

Contact American Avenue

Choosing the right college major is integral to the overall college experience; there’s no escaping it. Thankfully, though, freshmen do not need to have all the answers during their first year. You have time to decide what works best for you, and you may even change paths along the way.

Whatever your choice, finding a comfortable, affording home will set the stage for your college experience. If you’re looking for BYU-I-approved men’s or women’s housing, contact American Avenue today to schedule a tour.